TFL Topographical Training

What is the Topographical Skills Assessment?

To become a licensed PHV Driver, all applicants need to pass The TFL Topographical Skills Assessment.

The assessment tests a person's ability to use the A-Z Greater London Atlas, which includes the following:

  • Using indexes to identify points/locations
    (5 questions, 1 mark each)
  • Using a map to identify directions and points/locations
    (12 questions, 1 mark each)
  • To plan a route between two locations
    (4 questions, 75 marks in total)
  • To demonstrate knowledge of compass points within directional based questions
    (4 questions, 2 marks each)

The assessment is scored out of 100 marks, and a minimum of 60% is required to pass.

TFL PCO topographical map training on a computer

Our team of expert trainers offers comprehensive topographical training to help you prepare for your assessment.
With our training program, we cover all sections of the topographical assessment and ensure thorough preparation by using exam-style questions. Our focus is on the route questions, which carry 75% of the assessment weight, and we utilize online digital maps to enhance your learning experience.